Universidad del Magdalena Unimagdalena

Santa Marta, Colombia

UNIMAGDALENA is a public HEI, accredited for High Quality by the Ministry of National Education, located in the Caribbean port city of Santa Marta, Colombia. In the last 16 years, it has transited the path to regional leadership with a nationally recognized model of autonomous, transparent and efficient public administration. The Vice-Rectory for Research is the unit responsible for managing the programs and initiatives set up to develop the institutional research policy. It promotes the generation of knowledge, its dissemination and transferring to society, as well as the social, cultural and technological innovation and entrepreneurship strategies of the university. Under the leadership of its Vice-Rectory for Research, the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship was established in 2017. It is responsible for generating collaborative innovation programs and projects for the solution of social and business needs, contributing to the development of the Caribbean region of Colombia.

Team Leader

Angélica Silva

Head of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Team Members

Lilibet Rueda Salas

Innovation Coordinator​

Indira Oliveros Orozco

International Cooperation and Projects

Gerardo Angulo


Carlos Coronado

Head of International Relations Office​

Marla Mestre

International Cooperation and Projects​

Jaime Mendoza

Entrepreneurship Coordinator

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