Inspiring cases

Chic Fashic

Chicfashic is a unique platform where education, community and shopping meet to promotes awareness and social change in fashion consumption, and it provides an alternative shopping tools to fast fashion.
The online platform allows members to buy, rent, sell or swap items of clothing. This helps people save and make money with what they already have. At Chicfashic, there is an emphasis on building connections- members meet in person to exchange their items in order to eliminate packaging and shipping costs. Also, we can all help to reduce waste by not constantly buying brand new things which will only be worn a handful of times. For example, if you are the mother of a small child, you may find yourself regularly having to buy new clothes as they grow. Instead of buying expensive new clothes for them, why not find another mum in your local area to purchase some items from? Then once your child grows out of them you can resell them whilst developing a network of parents and children in your community.
In addition, Chicfashic regularly hosts workshops and lectures (both online and in person when it is safe to do so) to educate people about the key sustainability issues, as well as solutions, in the fashion industry. The platform opens the doors of infinite wardrobes everywhere in the world. We encourage conversations and want our marketplace to be one which is friendly, diverse and inclusive. We believe that anybody and everybody can make small and sustainable changes to their shopping habits. Chicfashic is the perfect place to start socialising whilst making a difference to the world.


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