
In February 2020 two university students, Juan and Ivan decided that they wanted to improve their environmental impact. Whilst they investigated, they found out that our way of living is unsustainable and if we dónt change our consumption habits, we will need the equivalent of 3 planets of resources by 2050. After seeing this, they wanted to take action on behalf of our planet, however, they saw that creating environmental habits is extra difficult as it doesn’t have a reward for committing to it. With this information, Juan and Ivan saw that there was an opportunity to reward the creation of environmental habits and so they created Ecobyte. Ecobyte is a platform where people can get encouraged to do certain activities that benefit our planet and that minimize people’s impact: by doing one of these actions people can earn points, points that can be used on rewards given by allied business and stores. With this model Ecobyte encourages people to act on behalf of our planet, the same people will keep doing these actions and in the end will create habits around these actions and also, green business benefit of a growing conscious consumer community. In the end, Ecobyte helps to create conscious consumers and gets to connect a community of buyers and sellers of goods that aim to improve our footprint on this planet. Ever since February, Ecobyte has suffered many changes, being impacted by the pandemic, struggled to get clients to add onto the Ecoteam (it is the group of businesses allied to Ecobyte), developed several websites, Instagram community and more!
Today, Ecobyte is active in Colombia and has over 21 allies on his Ecoteam, keeping on the task of helping people to get environmental habits for the sake of our planet!


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